We ask that you read our dress code carefully and purchase your student's uniforms using the links provided here.
Uniform Purchasing
You may purchase our required uniforms at the shops below.
Dress Code
The purpose of the Maur Hill - Mount Academy dress code is to give students a feeling of equality, provide a visible sense of school unity and identity, and contribute to the professional atmosphere that should exist in a Catholic prep school. Talents, faith, and hard work radiate. No alcohol, drug or tobacco related, nor any other inappropriate messages may appear on any clothing worn on campus (including in the dorms) or at school functions. All clothes should be fitted, in good condition, and worn properly. Administration has the discretion to determine what is appropriate.
- Shirts: Maur Hill - Mount Academy polo or oxford shirt, should be neat in appearance (ironed if necessary) and tucked in (not rolled under). Those choosing to wear an undershirt under the polo or oxford must select solid, white, design-free t-shirts. Undershirts are to have the same length or shorter of sleeves as the outer shirt worn. There will be some shirts from the Raven Store that students will be within dress code to wear on a daily basis. These items will be clearly marked.
- Slacks/Shorts: Khaki dress slacks or shorts worn properly around the waist with a plain, dress brown or black leather-like belt. Shorts lengths must extend past the tips of the student’s fingers when the student is standing upright and with his arms to his sides. Slacks and shorts are to be free from rips and should not be tattered or torn. Uniform shorts may only be worn during the months of August, September, April, and May. No cargo slacks or shorts are to be worn.
- P.E./Weightlifting: School-issued gym shorts are required in all P.E. and weightlifting classes. These can be purchased through the Raven Store. These shorts must be worn with an appropriate t-shirt.
- Socks: Socks must be worn at all times and have nothing inappropriate or obscene as deemed by administration.
- Shoes: Must be clean, and if a tie shoe, laces tied. Tennis or dress shoes of a non-distracting color are expected. All shoes must have an enclosed toe and heel. No sandals, house-slippers (or what appear to be a house-slipper), Crocs, UGG boots, etc. Boots may be worn as long as pant legs cover the boot.
- Sweaters: Maur Hill - Mount Academy-approved sweaters or fleece jacket may be worn with a uniform shirt underneath. No other sweaters are permitted in the classroom. There will be some sweaters from the Raven Store that students will be within dress code to wear on a daily basis. These items will be clearly marked.
- Jackets: Coats or jackets (hoodies, sweatshirts, etc. are included) may be worn to school and must be removed and placed in lockers during school hours. The exception would be a letter jacket or letter sweater. Coats and jackets may be retrieved to go to art, P.E. or the cafeteria and then need to be removed for class or while eating.
- Headgear: Headgear may not be worn in the classroom buildings or cafeteria.
- Shirts: Maur Hill-Mount Academy polo or oxford shirts, should be neat in appearance (ironed if necessary) and tucked in (not rolled under) so that the skirt’s waistband is visible. Those choosing to wear tee shirts under the polo or oxford must select solid, neutral-colored, design-free t-shirts. Undershirts are to have the same length or shorter of sleeves as the outer shirt worn. All undergarments should be white or flesh-colored and unobtrusive. There will be some shirts from the Raven Store that students will be within dress code to wear on a daily basis. These items will be clearly marked.
- Skirts: Maur Hill - Mount Academy skirt lengths must extend past the tips of the student’s fingers when the student is standing upright and with her arms to her sides. Skirts must be fully zipped and buttoned (not rolled) so the waistband is visible. Skirts with tears must be replaced. Sweatpants may not be worn under skirts during the school day while inside. Plain black opaque leggings may be worn and have no designs or openings, mesh or otherwise.
- Slacks/Shorts: Approved khaki dress slacks or shorts (see list) worn properly around the waist with a plain, dress brown or black leather-like belt. Slacks and shorts are to be free from rips and should not be tattered or torn. Shorts lengths must extend past the tips of the student’s fingers when the student is standing upright and with her arms to her sides. Uniform shorts may only be worn during the months of August, September, April, and May and should extend to the top of the knee. No cargo slacks or shorts are to be worn.
- P.E./Weightlifting: School-issued gym shorts are required in all P.E. and weightlifting classes. These can be purchased through the Raven Store. These shorts must be worn with an appropriate Tshirt.
- Socks: Socks must be worn at all times and have nothing inappropriate or obscene as deemed by administration.
- Shoes: Must be clean, and if a tie shoe, laces tied. Tennis or dress shoes of a non-distracting color are expected. All shoes must have an enclosed toe and heel. No sandals, house-slippers (or what appear to be a house-slipper), Crocs, UGG boots, etc. Boots may be worn as long as pant legs cover the boot.
- Sweaters: Maur Hill - Mount Academy-approved sweaters or fleece jacket may be worn with a uniform shirt underneath. No other sweaters are permitted in the classroom. There will be some sweaters from the Raven Store that students will be within dress code to wear on a daily basis. These items will be clearly marked.
- Jackets: Coats or jackets (hoodies, sweatshirts, etc. are included) may be worn to school and must be removed and placed in lockers during school hours. The exception would be a letter jacket or letter sweater. Coats and jackets may be retrieved to go to art, P.E. or the cafeteria and then need to be removed for class or while eating.
- All boys are to be clean-shaven.
- For boys, the hair must be cut off the collar in the back, off the eyebrows, above the middle of the ears and off the cheek when lying flat on the side. Hair must not be so long that it can be pulled down below the eyebrows. Sideburns may not extend onto the cheek or face, and cannot extend beyond the ear lobe.
- Hair on girls must be neat and modestly styled.
- No extreme hair color or styles
- No piercings for boys and no more than two piercings per ear for girls. They may not have any other piercings except in the ears. Jewelry cannot be distracting or excessive.
- No tattoos, permanent or temporary, including pencil and ink decoration
Special Days:
- Mass Day:
- Girls: Maur Hill - Mount Academy uniform oxford shirt with khaki dress slacks or skirts. The only acceptable outerwear would be a navy-blue or black blazer. A school uniform tie or a tie with a background color of black, navy blue, or gold and no other visible color may be worn.
- Boys: Maur Hill - Mount Academy uniform oxford shirt with khaki dress slacks. No outerwear except for a navy-blue blazer. A school uniform tie or a tie with a background color of black, navy blue, or gold and no other visible color may be worn.
- Dress-Up: Same as Mass day, with option of a plain white oxford shirt without logo. Boys may wear a navy blue blazer as another option.
- Spirit Day: Jeans may be worn with a Maur Hill - Mount Academy (MH-MA) shirt or t-shirt. The shirt is not to be covered by a non-MH-MA shirt or jacket. Jeans may not have holes, frays, or tears. Shorts are not to be worn. Shoe policy followed.
- House Jeans Day: Jeans may be worn with a current house shirt of which the student is a part. The shirt is not to be covered by a non-MH-MA shirt or jacket. Jeans may not have holes, frays, or tears. Shorts are not to be worn. Shoe policy followed.
- Graduation: Students not following the regular dress code policy provided by the counselor in preparing for and/or during graduation will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Not adhering to dress code on any day will potentially place students in an ISS situation, which places students not in good standing for extra-curricular activities.